Category Archives: Nature


This sight stopped me in my tracks today:  pink honeysuckle climbing and blooming all the way up an anchor cable of a power pole. Sunlit against the shadows and fir trees, with fragments of blue sky  visible through the spaces— the beauty and colour invited standing at the roadside, looking, and capturing a photo (or three).

So often honeysuckle clings to the trunk of a tree, choking its life from it, but this one's found a place to thrive and bloom, doing no harm at all. And it has transformed the harsh hard lines of the anchor cable into a striking beauty.

light in the forest

click on this image for a larger view

I have loved walking in the forest since I was small. It is, for me,  a place of mystery, of wonder— and a veritable feast of  beauty.

Here in this image, the warm sun pierces the canopy— its light falling on the tender fresh green of a young hemlock.

What is it about this that evokes such pleasure? even a simple joy...  I wonder.


Willow shapes


"Willow Shapes" - click on the image for a larger view

Yesterday, walking in Galiano's Heritage Forest, my eye was drawn to the shapes of the trees— the shapes that will soon be hidden by the profusion of leaves.
Mixed with the evergreens are are are several willow trees of varying kinds, along the main path. They’ve been there, as their size indicates, for years and years, but it wasn’t til yesterday that the light caught them in a certain way, and I ’noticed’ them. They are, to me, absolutely beautiful—  the stature of the tree as a whole, and the detail of the slender curves…

I will likely post several more photos of these and other trees in the days ahead, either here or on my Curious Spectacles Facebook page which you can find here.

huckleberry buds

A lattice of huckleberry twigs and buds: click image for a larger view

Maybe because we've waited so long for spring this year,  or maybe its just that these wonders are more precious with each passing year, but surely the delicate beauty of the huckleberry buds opening has never been quite so breathtakingly beautiful to me.